Michigan Lake

Michigan Lake
Photo Credit: Me!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Best of Project 1

For the first project of the year we were assigned in this class, we were assigned to take 30 photos or more of two different subjects. My first subject was the bleachers and my second subject was the Lincoln High School football field. While taking the photos we were supposed to study and understand our camera. We tried different angles and used new techniques to make the photos unique and one of a kind. We downloaded the photos to light room and played with the photos. We edited them and eventually picked out our best five photos from all of our photos we took and posted them on our blog and stated our reason as to why these five were the best.

Under the Weather
This photo appeals to me because standing underneath the bleachers shines different light patterns onto the cars and objects.  While editing this photo on light room, I made the photo black and white and adjusted the brightness to create a unique dark to light pattern.
Mirror Mirror on the Car
I chose this photo because it shows how big and long the bleachers are and how the light comes through the steps but also incorporating the car in the photo with the reflection of the bleachers adds to the subject.  I increased the temperature and upped the saturation of the blue and red car in light room to make the reflections on the cars stand out.
While taking this photo, I placed the camera down and began to snap different patterns of paint. I focused on the wood grain, making the objects further from the camera sharper and the objects closer to the camera blur. This created a very nice effect on the wood and paint. To edit this photo, I made it black and white and upped the shadow saturation.
Bugs Eye View
When taking this photo, I sat on the field and buried the camera into the turf, focusing onto the grass to sharpen it while the objects further away from from the subject began to blur and fade away. While editing this photo I played a lot with the contrast of the photo and sharpened the single strands of the turf.  
Hiding Place
For this photo, I stood behind a pole and placed the camera lens halfway onto the pole and halfway showing the field. It stands out to me because it vaguely shows the field in the background and focuses mainly on the pole and the paint chips. I increased the saturation to make the field pop out and show its colors and sharpened the picture to make certain parts of the pole and paint chips stand out.

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